Hand on a bible
Hand on a bible

12:2 interestingly, “Benjamin” in Hebrew means “son of my right hand”!).Ī general disposition to prefer the right hand is nonetheless evident and persists in subsequent tradition. 20:16 and David’s Benjamite warriors in 1 Chron. the left-handed soldiers of Benjamin in Judg. No such hostile attitude to left-handedness can be found in Scripture there are stories of left-handed heroes, such as Ehud in Judg.

hand on a bible

The corollary has often been that left-handedness is regarded as odd, undesirable, and even antisocial hence the view embodied in the word sinister (Latin for “left hand”). LEFT HAND, RIGHT HAND Biblical phrases referring to the right hand reflect a widespread human cultural attitude, namely the recognition that for most people the right hand is both stronger and more adept than the left, and is the hand with which many tasks are instinctively undertaken. 45:1-7.Ī Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature has an informative article on the subject: 45, go to Classes: Isaiah Lesson 16, Chap. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.) There is no Biblical reference that supports either source. (D ictionary of the Apostolic Church (2 Vols.). In his apocryphal book Hermas, in his ninth parable, writes of Christ and the Holy Spirit, “They stand, one on His right band and the other on His left” (9:35). In the pseudepigraphical book of 1 Enoch the archangel Gabriel is seated at the left hand of God. The mother of James and John asked that Jesus seat her two sons one on his right hand and one on his left (Matt. But also remember that sitting on the left hand is not undesirable.

hand on a bible

Remember that then as now we live in a “right handed” world. When divisions are made for any reason, understandable descriptions must be used. Thus, when the scripture speaks in terms of a favored hand such as Christ sitting on the right hand of God, it could signal no more than the fact that, as often, God is being described anthromorphically. Why, then, does the right hand always come in first and the left hand come in second? Perhaps the simplest reason is that most folks are right handed as a result of which we live in a right-handed world. The Old Testament describes walking in God’s will as turning “neither to the right hand or to the left” (Dt. God did not distinguish between left and right when he said through Isaiah, “This is the way, walk ye in it when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left (30:21). The heavenly hosts are on both his right hand and his left (2 Chron. Being on God’s left hand is not always bad. The lesson is the division, not the side on which each group placed. Notice that to move to the left side of the judge is a movement to the right by those facing him. When a division is made there must be a separation in some direction. 25:31-46), it is not necessarily intended to denigrate the left hand. Although the left side was often opposed to the right in such matters as goats on the left and sheep on the right (Mt. It was an advantage in battle (Judges 3:15-30, 20:16 1 Chron. This, however, has nothing to do with how badly history has treated “lefties.” The Latin word for “left handed” means “sinister.” Scripture does not treat it so badly. 10:2,3? The Answer:Īs you have undoubtedly discovered, scripture contains little about God’s left hand. Is the darkness mentioned from the left hand? Was it the left hand of God that was revealed in Job’s life? What about Ecc. Can you speak about the left hand of God? Can you explain Is. I have been studying about THE RIGHT HAND of God. Now it's your turn to do the same for them as they did for you.Question #428 What about the Left Hand of God? After all, you can probably think back to a time when someone helped you and how much that gesture meant in the moment. Look to these inspirational passages about helping others to encourage those around you to lend a hand when someone is suffering. Extending warmth and sympathy, as well as spreading wealth to those who may not have a home or stable income, are all acts of generosity which these Bible verses highlight.

hand on a bible

But there are so many other powerful passages that demonstrate how God's love for you also means loving and helping others. There are, of course, popular Bible verses about giving to others which you may know by heart. Showing generosity and compassion is an important theme that can be seen in many Bible verses about helping others, whether they are your close neighbor or a new friend. Any of these simple, yet profound actions are perfect examples of how caring for others not only helps those in need, but can also fill you with gratitude - although you don't need a reason to help your neighbors. Or maybe you sat with a friend and lent a shoulder to cry on after a difficult breakup. Perhaps you help your younger cousin with homework assignments. Maybe your family volunteers at the local food pantry every year for the holidays.

Hand on a bible